Nico Aspinall
Investment managers
Forming and executing your DC strategy

Everyone in asset management is talking about the exciting opportunity that DC offers, yet few have formed a strategy, let alone executed it well. While Defined Benefit (DB) held the assets and paid the bills DC was always a "next year problem" but with the recent crisis in the gilt market, has the rug been pulled out from under your feet?
DC pensions will form the majority of institutional investment at some point in the coming decades, but where to begin? If your approach looks like your approach to DB, build the best product, get the consultants to love it, get them to tell the customers you might pick up some more assets, but how sustainable will they be as the market consolidates?
DC doesn't work the same as DB pensions. It needs a fresh approach to deal with its unique distribution channels, and fresh thinking.
From helping you to form your strategy through to execution, my consulting services augment your skills to bring a winning combination to the DC market.

My skills and experience

As CIO of the People's Pension I created the low-cost approach to providing returns to members while integrating Responsible Investment and Climate Change management into the strategy. At its highest I was managing £17bn for more than 5 million members using a custody platform for added flexibility.
As Head of DC Investment Consulting at WTW I supported the largest DC schemes in the country as they made changes to their line ups, grappled with freedom and choice, and selected and implemented manager and platform changes.
I have worked in-house for Trusts, in asset management start-ups and as a consultant. I know the best strategy is not the one that looks great on paper but is the one your key personnel buy into and commit to execute.
How I can help

From reviewing your documents as "critical friend" to joining your project team as a secondee there are a range of different approaches to getting best value out of a consulting relationship with me. What works best for you will come down to your culture and your existing strategy and resources.
I can be flexible - so long as the work is interesting I'm interested!